Monday 1 October 2012


People always say that w greater expectation comes greater disappointment. It's true, but i ain't taking it in a negative way.
I really believe w lesser expectation comes greater joy :)

You see, in life many things are out of our control and we can only expect that perhaps it might go our way. Whenever we expect and something does not happen, we tend to get overly emotional about it.
Why go through such process when we could easily manage our expectation about certain stuff.

I learnt this the most during my birthday, since young i really expected alot for my birthday, but i tend to always not be happy after it cause it never turned out the way i wanted to.
But this year i really learnt to manage my expectation, and it turns out to be a sweet surprise. It's such a joy to see something happening which is out of what we expect and it's really a joy :))

The more we expect, the harder is it for us to truly be thankful for what we got. Live life everyday, being thankful for whatever that comes your way, and it's amazing like that. :D

Shall end off w a quote by me, hope it inspire you a little :)
Life has it's simple pleasures that awaits for us each day as we open our eyes in the morning. 

Goodnight <3
Eternallovexx :)