Monday 27 August 2012


I know, i know. It's been a really long time ago since i last updated this space of mine :) August is really a roller coaster month, i was too consumed in what i was feeling to a point where i felt so depress. It's time for me to get back up again, rather than being depress over what am i going through, i rather be grateful over the good things that had happened to me :) 

It's been so long since i blogged, so i should fill this space with alot alot of photos! Enjoy <3
Of course this is Me! I guess you guys are missing my face a lot? :)
Pardon if you see too much of my face below, this is my blog so i suppose it's right to post all my pictures right ? :)

First up, EVOLVE!
Really enjoyed the 3 days of Evolve conference! It was a lot a lot of fun! :) I know my words don't do justice, but pictures do right?

A booth where we have all these props to take pictures with <3 
My 2 lovely girls :)
My super amazing friend! Chester then! :) 
My very amazing friend that i love a lot! :)
Crystal then! <3 
And of course, W479! <3
Midnight movie with Lijun & Guanping!
Although the picture below is brave, but no i have not watch brave yet! T_T
Went to watch the dark knight rises with them, and it's really an amazinggg movie! :)
Special thanks to LimGP for starbucks treat! :)

Peishi's 19th Birthday! <3<3<3
This awesome good friend of mine had turned 19! :):)
Had an awesome celebration for her, although it's nothing fanciful, but we really spent quality time together! Went to eunos to eat Zi cha, it really feels like a family to me!
Thank God for this awesome friendship!
Believe even in the next 20 years, we will be still as close as we are now, or even better! :) I'm gonna tell my child in future about this 2 BFF i have since secondary school! Love them to bitsss! <3

This photo deserve to be this big! <3


Once again, Happy birthday Faith lai! Thanks for this awesome friendship you've given me! I really really love and treasure the times when we can just pour our lives to each other through whatsapp! Thanks for always understanding and believing in me! Times when i even question myself, you're always there to assure me! Love you a lot, mooo <3

Random pictures during service!
I really have a super awesome church family! :) They are always to tolerate my nonsense and stuff! This is the family i'm planted to, and i will commit myself to it regardless of anything!

Impromptu meet up with Yasmin, Amenda & Peishi after service!
Love those times when i can just spend time with an old friend! People always say that secondary school friends is the best, i totally agree! Despite of not meeting up for a long period of time, but you can still feel that they are there for you! <3 So happy to have this kind of friendship!

Lovess (L)
Yasmin!! :) 

That day i also spent my entire night with Peishi & Amenda! Thanks for making me feel at ease when i'm with you guys! They are the only people that i'm most comfortable pouring my feelings out to! :)

1000x Confession for Pastor Kong! :)

Resume photo shoot! 

ME! :)
With Apple chan! :)

Carol! :)
Ms su, the faci that takes all my nonsense! HEHE! :)

Me again! :)
 Carol's 19th Birthday @Pizzahut!

My best poly cliquesss! <3 

Happy birthday carol! :) Hope you really enjoyed the celebration! :):)

Wanna end off with a verse for myself in this season :)
1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.
I'm standing on this promise now! 
Trusting & believing in the perfect love of God, that His ways are always higher than mine.
In Him i don't have to fear again, cause i know He have the best plan for my life! :)

Ending off with a song i'm currently addicted to.
Old song, but it's really nice!

Eternallovexx :)

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