Friday 21 September 2012


A heart that beats :)
 It's been a tough week, fighting with all different emotions that came crashing in different situations. Almost wanted to gave up on everything, but thank God that i went for the bible study given by Yilun on Thursday! I've regain that faith in God, and able to trust even more. TYJ. :)
It's not easy, but that God for that word in season.
God only move when we act in faith, instead of being fearful or anxious i rather have faith and pray! :)

On Friday before LYL meeting, the girls in w479 had a girly outing! Most of the girls went to eat Korean bbq! Even tho the food was abit disappointing, but i had a good time fellowshipping with them, and that's what makes the meal enjoyable.

Was watching a drama and one sentence they said caught my attention,
'Where are we eating does not matter much as compared to who are you eating with' 

True that.. :) As i grew older, i realise that having the right company surpasses anything else, so i'm always thankful for all the people that are by my side :)

Went home after LYL meeting and i saw this near my house, i swear i really freaked out! Like seriously, it really looks like a dead cat -_- But thank God its only rubbish :p

On Saturday after service we went to bedok to eat! :D It's so awesomeee, always love eating at this type of coffee shop with a lot of good food!

Instagram worthy shot :)

There is a really story behind this big watermelon below.. ._.
I suggested to 5 other people to play scissors paper stone to decide who to buy the watermelon back as it's rather far and all of us were lazy!
So you know what, ALL of them choose scissors and i'm the only one with paper -_- And i lost just like that. What luck is this!! HAHA.


 Outing with Y1S2 girls! :D Shopshopshop all the way! It's really awesome to meet them out again after so long ;)

My new phone sticker, chio right? :)

I've made a decision, i don't know if i will regret in future, but i really want to give my best shot this time round :) No matter what's the outcome, i know that God has His plan. :) I really want to fight for this, this time round! Hehehe :)

Eternallovexx :)

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