Tuesday 13 November 2012

Be strong and of good courage.

Taking courage to believe once again for His promises over my life.  In that season full of fear and anxiety, i need to hold on and believe.
Kept replaying the song, 'I lift my hands' In it Pastor Kong kept repeating, 
'By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, By faith, Through faith, Through Faith'
By faith Daniel stopped the mouth of the lion, perhaps God allowed him to be in the dens of the lion but it's never in His will for Daniel to stay in that den.
Perhaps God allowed me to walk through this season alone, but He will not let my feet to be moved in the midst of this season. :)
Thank You Jesus that even in the midst of walking through it alone, but never once You have left my side :)
So thankful that i can still be doing the things that i love, meeting up different people :):)
Many many pictures below! :)

Meet up w Jessica

 Went for Crystal's drama performance w W479 and Amenda

Sleepover session w mini W479!
Had some time talking about serious topic w Keewei, and indeed we are blessed even just these small talks and questions! :)
 Crazy deepavali outing w Fruits family (Secondary's BFF!)
I guess when they say secondary school friends are for life, they meant it. Felt so so happy even to just meet up with them for a random outing. I swear i love them to bits :) All of us shared our lifes together for 5 years and i hope they will really last!
Let's meet up 10 years later to go 163 w our children :)

Even in the midst of it all, i still love my life, love every single thing that is happening. :) 
God is good, very good indeed :) 

Ending off w a verse. 

Joel 2:23

New King James Version (NKJV)
23 Be glad then, you children of Zion,
And rejoice in the Lord your God;
For He has given you the former rain faithfully,
And He will cause the rain to come down for you—
The former rain,
And the latter rain in the first month.

Eternallovexx :)

Sunday 4 November 2012

Strength from above

The fact is, i don't feel very strong right now. Hate to know that I'm just that weak and useless, it will be nice if i could just be stronger and braver.  Yet i know, in my weaknesses, God's strength are made perfect.

I was looking at my life and comparing it to King David, compared to his my life ain't that tough after all. In the midst of these situations in his life, he still allow himself to be broken before God. That i admire :)
Perhaps in my life i need to learn to let go and let God take over.

A Light that shines through darkness that brings comfort to my soul. :)

Been reading Psalm, and it is so beautiful :) Really a word for me in season.

Psalm 121

New King James Version (NKJV)

God the Help of Those Who Seek Him

A Song of Ascents.

121 I will lift up my eyes to the hills—
From whence comes my help?
My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to be moved;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
Shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is your keeper;
The Lord is your shade at your right hand.
The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve you from all evil;
He shall preserve your soul.
The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in
From this time forth, and even forevermore.

I know in Him I can still be strong :)

Few pictures before i end off this post. 


Just like my little sister which i wanna protect :)

My v v best friends which i know i wanna hold on w all that i have! :)

Crazy things w do together, and that's what i love about my cg :)

Leaving w a quote here.
Courage doesn't always roar.  Sometimes courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ' I will try again tomorrow'

Hope you've enjoyed reading this space of mine. :)
Eternallove :)

Monday 1 October 2012


People always say that w greater expectation comes greater disappointment. It's true, but i ain't taking it in a negative way.
I really believe w lesser expectation comes greater joy :)

You see, in life many things are out of our control and we can only expect that perhaps it might go our way. Whenever we expect and something does not happen, we tend to get overly emotional about it.
Why go through such process when we could easily manage our expectation about certain stuff.

I learnt this the most during my birthday, since young i really expected alot for my birthday, but i tend to always not be happy after it cause it never turned out the way i wanted to.
But this year i really learnt to manage my expectation, and it turns out to be a sweet surprise. It's such a joy to see something happening which is out of what we expect and it's really a joy :))

The more we expect, the harder is it for us to truly be thankful for what we got. Live life everyday, being thankful for whatever that comes your way, and it's amazing like that. :D

Shall end off w a quote by me, hope it inspire you a little :)
Life has it's simple pleasures that awaits for us each day as we open our eyes in the morning. 

Goodnight <3
Eternallovexx :)

Friday 21 September 2012


A heart that beats :)
 It's been a tough week, fighting with all different emotions that came crashing in different situations. Almost wanted to gave up on everything, but thank God that i went for the bible study given by Yilun on Thursday! I've regain that faith in God, and able to trust even more. TYJ. :)
It's not easy, but that God for that word in season.
God only move when we act in faith, instead of being fearful or anxious i rather have faith and pray! :)

On Friday before LYL meeting, the girls in w479 had a girly outing! Most of the girls went to eat Korean bbq! Even tho the food was abit disappointing, but i had a good time fellowshipping with them, and that's what makes the meal enjoyable.

Was watching a drama and one sentence they said caught my attention,
'Where are we eating does not matter much as compared to who are you eating with' 

True that.. :) As i grew older, i realise that having the right company surpasses anything else, so i'm always thankful for all the people that are by my side :)

Went home after LYL meeting and i saw this near my house, i swear i really freaked out! Like seriously, it really looks like a dead cat -_- But thank God its only rubbish :p

On Saturday after service we went to bedok to eat! :D It's so awesomeee, always love eating at this type of coffee shop with a lot of good food!

Instagram worthy shot :)

There is a really story behind this big watermelon below.. ._.
I suggested to 5 other people to play scissors paper stone to decide who to buy the watermelon back as it's rather far and all of us were lazy!
So you know what, ALL of them choose scissors and i'm the only one with paper -_- And i lost just like that. What luck is this!! HAHA.


 Outing with Y1S2 girls! :D Shopshopshop all the way! It's really awesome to meet them out again after so long ;)

My new phone sticker, chio right? :)

I've made a decision, i don't know if i will regret in future, but i really want to give my best shot this time round :) No matter what's the outcome, i know that God has His plan. :) I really want to fight for this, this time round! Hehehe :)

Eternallovexx :)

Monday 3 September 2012

Pull me a lil closer.

When the night time comes, i became very fearful cause all i could hear is silence. I don't know what should i feel, but i'm really afraid of the feeling of being so alone.
The times when i picked up my phone trying to find someone i could talk to, and i realise there is no one. 

Yes, i still have good friends around me, but there are certain emotions which you can never put them into words. It's scary. 

Felt so much, seems like to people, being a Christian means we got to be really strong cause we have a God that's in control.
Yes, i have a God that's in control, but after all i'm still a human with emotions. I don't like to be judge for being this way cause i should be strong.. No, i'm not at all. 

Everyday there is nothing else i could do except to ask God to pull me a little closer, a little closer to Him, a little closer to His presence. In this darkness, i need God's light to shine in my life. 

Psalm 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

King David himself felt this when he walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the times when he cried out to God in despair. Our God still remains faithful, cause He is walking through it with us. 

Times when i cant see God's hand, i just got to trust in His heart.
Pieces and pieces of heartache, God sees and have a plan for it. One day all these pieces would eventually becomes a beautiful painting of my life. :)

Eternallovexx <3

Monday 27 August 2012


I know, i know. It's been a really long time ago since i last updated this space of mine :) August is really a roller coaster month, i was too consumed in what i was feeling to a point where i felt so depress. It's time for me to get back up again, rather than being depress over what am i going through, i rather be grateful over the good things that had happened to me :) 

It's been so long since i blogged, so i should fill this space with alot alot of photos! Enjoy <3
Of course this is Me! I guess you guys are missing my face a lot? :)
Pardon if you see too much of my face below, this is my blog so i suppose it's right to post all my pictures right ? :)

First up, EVOLVE!
Really enjoyed the 3 days of Evolve conference! It was a lot a lot of fun! :) I know my words don't do justice, but pictures do right?

A booth where we have all these props to take pictures with <3 
My 2 lovely girls :)
My super amazing friend! Chester then! :) 
My very amazing friend that i love a lot! :)
Crystal then! <3 
And of course, W479! <3
Midnight movie with Lijun & Guanping!
Although the picture below is brave, but no i have not watch brave yet! T_T
Went to watch the dark knight rises with them, and it's really an amazinggg movie! :)
Special thanks to LimGP for starbucks treat! :)

Peishi's 19th Birthday! <3<3<3
This awesome good friend of mine had turned 19! :):)
Had an awesome celebration for her, although it's nothing fanciful, but we really spent quality time together! Went to eunos to eat Zi cha, it really feels like a family to me!
Thank God for this awesome friendship!
Believe even in the next 20 years, we will be still as close as we are now, or even better! :) I'm gonna tell my child in future about this 2 BFF i have since secondary school! Love them to bitsss! <3

This photo deserve to be this big! <3


Once again, Happy birthday Faith lai! Thanks for this awesome friendship you've given me! I really really love and treasure the times when we can just pour our lives to each other through whatsapp! Thanks for always understanding and believing in me! Times when i even question myself, you're always there to assure me! Love you a lot, mooo <3

Random pictures during service!
I really have a super awesome church family! :) They are always to tolerate my nonsense and stuff! This is the family i'm planted to, and i will commit myself to it regardless of anything!

Impromptu meet up with Yasmin, Amenda & Peishi after service!
Love those times when i can just spend time with an old friend! People always say that secondary school friends is the best, i totally agree! Despite of not meeting up for a long period of time, but you can still feel that they are there for you! <3 So happy to have this kind of friendship!

Lovess (L)
Yasmin!! :) 

That day i also spent my entire night with Peishi & Amenda! Thanks for making me feel at ease when i'm with you guys! They are the only people that i'm most comfortable pouring my feelings out to! :)

1000x Confession for Pastor Kong! :)

Resume photo shoot! 

ME! :)
With Apple chan! :)

Carol! :)
Ms su, the faci that takes all my nonsense! HEHE! :)

Me again! :)
 Carol's 19th Birthday @Pizzahut!

My best poly cliquesss! <3 

Happy birthday carol! :) Hope you really enjoyed the celebration! :):)

Wanna end off with a verse for myself in this season :)
1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.
I'm standing on this promise now! 
Trusting & believing in the perfect love of God, that His ways are always higher than mine.
In Him i don't have to fear again, cause i know He have the best plan for my life! :)

Ending off with a song i'm currently addicted to.
Old song, but it's really nice!

Eternallovexx :)