Monday 28 May 2012

Birthday Celebrations

Hey people! I'm back with lots of updates on my 19th birthday celebration and i'm really really blessed! :) I've never ever felt so happy in my entire life before, everything just turn out so well for me these few days! :):) Really grateful for all those that made it happen for me. 

What i felt most happy is really how people willing to go the extra mile for me, and this really shows me how much more must i love them! How can i feel so so so loved one!! #grateful.

OK! I shall start off with the small celebration on friday which is the eve of my birthday! :D

Went for LYL & ZY combine CG meeting, and Amenda, Lijun, Crystal, Chester and Raphael decides to prepare a mini celebration for me before i turn 19. So they are supposedly wanting to make me worried by asking Crystal to act emo and what not. Although the plan was quite fail cause i can really see that they are acting :p 
But Crystal really did all that she can to surprise me by really crying!! How can someone really sacrifice so much for me ?! Crying ley, no joke please! 
So after that they surprised me from the front after i walk out of toilet with Crystal. :)

Yup, so this is a photo with my cake and tidbit :p 

OK, So it's finally my actual day! I went to sleep at 1205 exactly cause i'm lazy to read all the wishes coming from everywhere. But i really treasure every wishes la, just that i'm really tired to read them at that point of time. 
So just before i head to bed, i went to play 'Spin to Win' for my game. And i got this 3 triple stars!!!! I've never gotten them before since i started playing. So i concluded that my day will be super awesome after i wake up, and it sure did! :) 

So i woke up like really early on my actual day without alarm! :O Went to have breakfast with my Dad and Sister. Really feel happy to be able to spend time with them on my birthday even if just for a short breakfast! :):)
Around that time, my aunt text me that she will be transferring money to my account, for me to spend on my birthday! How awesome is that! I've never gotten money for my birthday by my relative if i don't have a birthday party, which i never had before.

So i went home to change and prepare to head to Crystal house to do my nails. :) And i seriously have pretty nails for my birthday! :D

Went for service with Amenda and Crystal after that. So as usual, i will know the cellgroup will be celebrating my birthday after service, so i never expect any different. BUT TO MY HORROR, they prepared something really different!!! It's a whole plate of whipped cream as birthday cake!! :O
Had my whole faced smashed with whipped cream and it was really gross! But i really still had fun and actually enjoyed the whipped cream. :p

Received Starbucks drinks and cake from Jocelyn, Josephine and Keewei too! Both my favorite! :D

OK, So here comes another prank. 
Amenda tried to prank her that she and Peishi was having a big quarrel, thus Peishi won't be having dinner with us. Thankfully it's only a prank, or i will be ultimate depress! :p 
So they got me to soup spoon to have dinner and Peishi surprised me with a cake from behind. :) 
Really thankful for Amenda, Peishi, Crystal, Lijun, Guan ping, Raphael and Yu ting for planning this dinner and surprise! :) Really felt super happy just to be able to spend time with them! 

So by now my birthday have officially ended, but not the celebrations! :)


The CGC of W479 is meeting for timbre in the night, so i went to sim lim with Cindy to fix my cracked iPhone and it's fully sponsored by my daddy! Really happy to see my pretty iPhone now! :)

So it's 7pm and we met Keewei and Chester at douby to walk to timbre. Really had lots and lots of fun with them, we just chilled and chat. 
Ps. The live band there was awesome! :D:D
They celebrated my birthday there and yeah. Even the live band sang birthday song for all the birthday girls and boys! HEHE. :) Was really really happy at that moment!

'Happy birthday Madeline!! :)) Keewei, Chester and Awesome Cindy love YOU!!!' 
How not to be touched by this dedication from Cindy! :):):)
So i headed home afterwards feeling really happy!


So i met up with my Carol, Khaixin, Jasmin, Lijun and Szehui for dim sum, and they celebrated my birthday too! :O It was really nice catching up with them and just spending time together! I was really treated like a princess for the whole day! Just love them so much! :D

A birthday cake from them, and it's blueberry cheesecake! :):) 2 of my favorite!! 

We head to playnations just to play games and chill afterwards! :D We really had a great time of laughing and just doing nonsense like scratching armpits! HEHE :P

So i guess this ends off all my birthday celebrations. I really feel super super blessed by all this sweet surprises by every individual one of them! :D What have i done to deserve all of them in my life?! Really thankful and grateful!

Found this 2 cute pictures on 9gag that seriously describe how i feel through my birthday celebrations.
'Every year i realize how STUPID i was the year before'

'Not sure if i should go out and enjoy life or stay at home and not be poor tomorrow'
Totally what am i feeling now, cause i spend SO SO much money for my birthday! But it's worth it because of the people! :)
The thing i've learnt this year is that presents and wishes is no longer important for it to be an awesome celebration, what most important is the people that is close to our heart willing to celebrate this joyous occasion with us :) 
Ps. I did receive presents and wishes too lah, but just saying that it's not as important as compared to the people we love.

Found a super pretty connector ring for 3 dollar and it says 'Eternal love'. How can i not buy it? :)

 Shall end off with this photo of my lovely ring :)

Eternallovexx :)

Thursday 17 May 2012


Something struck me while i'm trying to sleep. Perhaps because i'm really growing up, and realise the society is forcing me to change.

I guess, to a certain degree as we grow older we are forced to do things that we don't like.
Example, responsibility. As we began to grow older, responsibility seems like a 'MUST' to carry around. Remembered the times when i'm young, i can just do whatever i like without having to care about my family.
Example, maturity. As i grow up, i remember myself wearing spongebob shirt traveling around the estate with my cliques without caring much about how other people would see us. Sitting in the middle of the parade square, forming a circle and just being ourselves.
I guess this is something i would never have the courage to do now, perhaps i cared more about how the society look at me. I tried my best to portray a mature side and not just a crazy teen wasting my life away.

But as we began to grow, is the society also forcing us to love ourselves more?
When we are young, we would go all out to be with a friend that's in need. But i realize that i don't do that anymore. Now, i would feel thankful to be just able to meet up with my good friends once a month for a dinner and just catching up with each other's life. But on the other days, we basically live as though we don't need of each other. No doubt, as we grow older, the more hectic our life would be. But are we so busy to the extent we can't even drop a SMS or a phone call just to catch up with life and encourage each other?
Are we so busy to even love? 
A dinner once a month, how much would you actually be able to speak into each other's life? I don't want, and never want to be too busy to love.

Just a random thought tonight before i head to bed :)
Treasure the people around you while you still have a chance to, who knows when they would leave you. :)
I shall end off this post with a cute picture of me!

Eternallovexx :)

Monday 14 May 2012

Fearful and afraid

This few weeks is like walking through hell, having to face shits and act as if nothing is bothering me. I've never realise how fragile a human relationship could be. 'Trust takes years to build, seconds to break' How true..

A part of me no one could ever understand. No matter how much i said 'I'm used to it', it still hurts me badly.
All these years, the thing i thought i've sown, does it not meant anything anymore?  Every single day, i secretly wished that i don't have to wake up to the reality, i rather sleep in dreams and fantasy all day long.

This is just one of the things that have happened, and it could break all the feelings i tried to hide for so long. Yes, i'm insecure, and all the relationship which i thought could last forever became so blur. The people around me, will they leave me?

To some people, i might be exerggerating what has happen, but not to me. I just see the reality even more clearly.
I'm emotional and insecure. Each day i live, i try to hold on to every single thing i could grab but when i open up my hand, i realise it's not there anymore.

God, i need faith and peace. May Your peace fills my heart every single day where i could learn to trust once again.


Take my life

This is my devotion
This is all I know
This is all I have to bring
life laid down in worship
To honor You my King
I live to glorify Your Name

past is swept away
By the sacrifice You've made
I am Yours set my heart on fire for You

Take my life take it all I surrender heart and soul
From now on I live for You
Take my life take it all I surrender heart and soul
From now on I live for You only You

In every joy and heartbreak
In trial and temptation
Be the centre of my heart

'God, i commit all of me in exchange for all of You. Be the centre of my heart.'

Eternallovexx :)

Wednesday 2 May 2012


'Set my heart on fire for You'
Without having the fire for God that allow you to serve Him out of a willing heart, everything you do will seems like a chore. It gets even tiring especially when there is stress element in the thing you have to do.
Recently i really broke down, i dont know what to do about it. I felt so stress and there is no joy that flows out from within. I guess this is what they say about leaning on human strength.

I need the strength of God, i need to be excited once again fot the things of God. I guess it all comes down to thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is really the basis that we all need to have, cause without a heart of thanksgiving, we tend to complain. God brought us this far is not for us to complain and scold us, but give Him thanks.
In serving wise, we can always complain that why do i have to do so much. But only when we have the heart of thanksgiving, we will realise that this is the privilage that God has entrusted us to serve His people.

Even though my life ain't perfect or like a bed of roses, im thankful that i'm blessed with people around me that really love me.
Someone said this to me today, 'You're really blessed cause the people around you always takecare of you'
I'm really thankful for that. I have a family that loves me dearly, i have friends that protects me through tough situations, and most importantly, i have both heavenly and earthly Father that loves me so much more than i could ever love myself. :):)

Eternallovexx :)