Thursday 17 May 2012


Something struck me while i'm trying to sleep. Perhaps because i'm really growing up, and realise the society is forcing me to change.

I guess, to a certain degree as we grow older we are forced to do things that we don't like.
Example, responsibility. As we began to grow older, responsibility seems like a 'MUST' to carry around. Remembered the times when i'm young, i can just do whatever i like without having to care about my family.
Example, maturity. As i grow up, i remember myself wearing spongebob shirt traveling around the estate with my cliques without caring much about how other people would see us. Sitting in the middle of the parade square, forming a circle and just being ourselves.
I guess this is something i would never have the courage to do now, perhaps i cared more about how the society look at me. I tried my best to portray a mature side and not just a crazy teen wasting my life away.

But as we began to grow, is the society also forcing us to love ourselves more?
When we are young, we would go all out to be with a friend that's in need. But i realize that i don't do that anymore. Now, i would feel thankful to be just able to meet up with my good friends once a month for a dinner and just catching up with each other's life. But on the other days, we basically live as though we don't need of each other. No doubt, as we grow older, the more hectic our life would be. But are we so busy to the extent we can't even drop a SMS or a phone call just to catch up with life and encourage each other?
Are we so busy to even love? 
A dinner once a month, how much would you actually be able to speak into each other's life? I don't want, and never want to be too busy to love.

Just a random thought tonight before i head to bed :)
Treasure the people around you while you still have a chance to, who knows when they would leave you. :)
I shall end off this post with a cute picture of me!

Eternallovexx :)

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