Tuesday 10 April 2012


My life, Your canvas.
Nobody knows how a canvas painting would eventually look until the painter paints his last stroke.

Nobody knows how their life would turn out until God has the final says.

Few years down, am still amazed how my life is changed.

Like normal people, i often worries about how my future will be, but nevertheless i'm excited to walk down this road, slowly revealing my destiny.
Even though i don't know how this painting would turn out, but i'm trusting in the Painter of my life.
I'm thankful for what ever that had happen in my life, it's like every stroke a painter paints on his canvas, slowly with all these strokes creates a beautiful painting for the whole world to see :)

Got to go now, meeting my favorite girls tomorrow for steamboat session!

Eternallovexx :)

Saturday 7 April 2012


'Happiness is a choice, to be happy or not usually lies in our mindset'

Everybody goes through situations which we hope will never ever happens to us, but in the midst of all these, there are usually some that still remain cheerful and happy.
I'm totally not that type of person, I think too much and love to indulge in self-pity. Throughout these period, I realise that self-pity will make me look more pathetic and pitiful. I want to be happy, and tomorrow's happiness lies in the decision I make today.

Just a reminder to myself, to really look at the bright side of life. Every coins have 2 sides, every situation have pros and cons. What we think might not be the reality, we just got to look beyond ourselves and view our life in God's point of view. Only then we can find real happiness with the assurance in our heavenly Father, that all things will work for good to those who love Him.

This whole week is so busy, and i'm just running from places to places.

On Wednesday, I went out to town to meet my secondary school best friends. It's really amazing how much each of us had grown in the past few years. We chat about all the crazy and nonsensical things we used to do, and our best memories.
Time surely flies, in just an blink of eye, i'm already in poly year 2. From time to time, I will still miss the innocent days where we are just secondary school students. We've all grown up, but those secondary days will always be my fondest memories :) Fruits family unite!

From Friday all the way till Saturday, I'm busy with all the Easter service and stuff.  Every single year whenever I watch the drama, it will remind me of the love Jesus have for us. He chose to go to the cross, just to be that bridge that creates a way for us to know the Father. It's amazing that i'm already in church for 4 years, may my days ahead bring Him greater glory. :)

Currently it's 3.30am, and i'm at my cousin's place typing away. I got to wake up at like 8am later to go sao mu. Hope it will be enjoyable :)

I'm happy, are you? :)

Eternallovexx :)

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Reaping and sowing

Recently i really thought a lot about the principle of reaping and sowing. I guess everybody wishes they could not sow yet reap, but how can life be so easy. 
I'm talking about relationship. 
In life, there are relationships that we would treasure with all of our life, like your love ones. Yet, there are  some relationship which you know it's only for a season. 

Be it love ones or just friends, the principle of sowing and reaping still counts.  How can you expect someone to start opening up to you if you did not first sow a seed of love into their life? Many times it's easy to sow when it's in our comfort zone, like a pat or even a SMS. But how can you go an extra mile to sow in someone else's life?

2 Corinthians 9:6
'But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.'

I don't want to reap sparingly, and thus i can't sow sparingly too. Neither do i want to reap bountifully for once, and thus i got to keep sowing bountifully. 
This is a principle that i've got to always remind myself, i don't want to go in to a stage where i'm too used to myself and my comfort zone. 

I'm someone that really need friends by my side, and i know that i can only achieve that when I first choose to be willing to be by people's side.  :) 

Just reached home from an awesome leader's meeting, really blessed i'm in vision together with my leaders. Greater things are yet to come! :)

Abrupt ending for my post cause i got to rush to edit out April's 2G channel announcement! :D Xoxo

Eternallovexx :) 

Monday 2 April 2012

All things work together for good

Romans 8:28
'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.'

When situations become too overwhelming for me to handle, i can only hope and believe.
Hope in the grace and mercy of God that all things would eventually work together for good.

Time and time again, into the same situations. I became weary and tired of believing, constantly asking what have i done to go through this.

Yet, even though i wished i do not have to go through this, but i'm still thankful for these trials. I know above all, God is moulding my character into a person He wants me to be. I know God will never allow me to go through something for fun, but He have everything in control.

Job 23:10
'But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold.

Enough of all this blabbering :p I think i really love my life. When i have nothing to worry all day and just watch drama and sleep. Love the days when i can just rot at home the whole day and sleep! :) This is basically how i just spent my last 2 days. Xoxo. :)

Eternallovexx :)

Sunday 1 April 2012


Finally had the motivation to start a blog. Always whining about how i want to start a blog so badly, but never started. Now, here i am :) 
Hope i can take time off once in awhile to blog, and just keep this personal space <3

I've always been closed up with what's happening emotionally. I'm never someone that's strong. I love to cry and just love to hide from the world. #thatsme
I've always close up my heart because i know i can't trust someone with a gun pointing at me, expecting them not to pull the trigger. 
 But, in the last one year. I've chose to trust, and thank God i did. Many good friends came along, whether did they continue to stay in my life till now does not matter anymore. All of them have a fair share to play to change me to become someone i really wanted to be. 
At least in the last one year, i've learnt to love myself and my life more. :) 

They are the ones that i would fight for, with all of my life. Really thankful for them in my life through different seasons bringing laughter and joy to my life. :) 

'A real friend is one that walks in, when the whole world walks out' -Unknown :)

Eternallovexx :)