Tuesday 3 April 2012

Reaping and sowing

Recently i really thought a lot about the principle of reaping and sowing. I guess everybody wishes they could not sow yet reap, but how can life be so easy. 
I'm talking about relationship. 
In life, there are relationships that we would treasure with all of our life, like your love ones. Yet, there are  some relationship which you know it's only for a season. 

Be it love ones or just friends, the principle of sowing and reaping still counts.  How can you expect someone to start opening up to you if you did not first sow a seed of love into their life? Many times it's easy to sow when it's in our comfort zone, like a pat or even a SMS. But how can you go an extra mile to sow in someone else's life?

2 Corinthians 9:6
'But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.'

I don't want to reap sparingly, and thus i can't sow sparingly too. Neither do i want to reap bountifully for once, and thus i got to keep sowing bountifully. 
This is a principle that i've got to always remind myself, i don't want to go in to a stage where i'm too used to myself and my comfort zone. 

I'm someone that really need friends by my side, and i know that i can only achieve that when I first choose to be willing to be by people's side.  :) 

Just reached home from an awesome leader's meeting, really blessed i'm in vision together with my leaders. Greater things are yet to come! :)

Abrupt ending for my post cause i got to rush to edit out April's 2G channel announcement! :D Xoxo

Eternallovexx :) 

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